Bowie The Man Who Sold The World Vinyl Mercury 6338 041 Original Dress Cover

This item have been sold for $ 1103.47

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06 Dec 2017
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Item Description

This is the original 1971 album from the great David Bowie.
Also known as the dress cover album.
This sleeve was rejected in America and they used the cartoon cover.
Very few of the dress cover albums were sold making them highly collectible.
The photographer for the cover was done by Keith MacMillan later known as Keef who went on to direct a number of celebrated music videos including Kate Bush s Wuthering Heights and Blondies Picture This.
The photos show the actual vinyl, inner sleeve and outer sleeve.
There is NO writing on the album.
There are some spindle marks on the Mercury labels it is 47 years old .
I have played the album all the way through, there was NO jumping although there was the odd crackle in places.
The album had not been played for 30 years previously so would probably benefit from a clean to clear any dust.
The sleeve shows some wear on the spine but you can make out the Mercury code quite clearly 6338041 but some of the album title has worn - I would class the sleeve overall as very good.
Original inner sleeve plastic lined in very good.condition - no splits or writing etc.
Vinyl as stated earlier, no writing on labels, some spindlemarks marks and the odd crackle.
Both sides played all the way through reminded me what a great album this is , again I would class the vinyl as very good.
Shows all the usual evidence for being an original copy miss spelling of Tonni VIsconti etc.
I will be putting up some more Bowie vinyl in the near future, I have a few more rare gems in them as well.
Own yourself a piece of Bowie History and good luck with your bidding.
Oh by jingo.
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