A1MessiahA2The Third Of The StormsA3Buried ForgottenA4ManiacA5EuronymousB1Triumph Of DeathB2Revelations Of DoomB3ReaperB4Satanic RitesB5CrucifixionC1Angel Of DestructionC2CrucifixionC3Ready For SlaughterC4Death FiendC5When Hell s NearC6ChainsawC7Sweet TormentC8HammerheadC9Blood InsanityD1ReaperD2ManiacD3Triumph Of DeathD4Bloody PussiesD5Power Of SatanD6DecapitatorD7Dark WarriorsD8Metallic Storm Cover nearmint lp unplayed for pictures, ask torpedom.a at gmx de check out the other auctions for plenty of rare stuff. i started collecting in the early 90s and decided to now stop it and sell almost my whole collection. ask what s still there: mayhem, darkthrone, bzum, satyricon. rare vinyl 1st presses and testpresses.postage germany 6 europe 15 overseas: to be calculated individually around 25-35