DAVID BOWIE - アンダーグラウンド = Underground

Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 152.00 - $ 210.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 152.00 - $ 210.00
NM (Near Mint) : $136.00 - $187.00
EX (Excellent) : $104.00 - $143.00
VG (Very Good) : $72.00 - $99.00
G (Good) : $24.00 - $33.00
F (Fair) : $16.00 - $22.00
P (Poor) : $8.00 - $11.00
Label: EMI America
Cat. Number: PRP-1173
Release Country: Japan
Release Year: 1986
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Item Description

7" 45 RPM Promo Stereo

Promo only with single sided picture insert.

Top line of the insert: 夢を超えた世界を見せてあげよう。 = Let us show you a world beyond your (wildest) dreams. Followed by: ボウイ自身が歌う、ジョージ・ルーカスのSFXファンタジー映画「ラビリンス」のテーマ曲!! = Bowie himself is singing the George Lucas SFX fantasy film theme tune.

Middle section (above the thick black line): ラビリンスのテーマ = (literally) the theme of the labyrinth. Then below this: 魔王の迷宮 = the devil of the labyrinth. Followed by: アンダーグラウンド = Underground (4’25”) and then there is a solid black line beneath which in bold is デビッド・ボウイ = David Bowie.

End section immediately below Bowie’s name is:
Side B アンダーグラウンド(インストルメンタル)= Underground (instrumental)
Single ウンダーグラウンド = Underground. EYS-17635
Album 「ラビリンス」オリジナル・サウンドトラック・アルバム = [Labyrinth] Original Soundtrack Album EYS-91170.
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