Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 24.00 - $ 34.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 24.00 - $ 34.00
NM (Near Mint) : $22.00 - $30.00
EX (Excellent) : $17.00 - $23.00
VG (Very Good) : $11.00 - $16.00
Label: Mercury
Cat. Number: SRM-1-1101
Release Country: US
Release Year: 1976
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Item Description

Vinyl, , Pitman Pressing, Embossed
LP Compilation

Very similar to the other Pitman pressing, [r6354220] but with rim text running along bottom rim. SRM-1-1101 (C) on labels.
Columbia, Pitman pressing denoted by "CP" in runouts.

A4's track time is indicated as 4:20 on the label but 3:50 on the cover.

Distributed by Phonodisc, Inc. on rear sleeve. Manufactured and distributed by Polydor Ltd. on labels.
℗ 1973, ℗ 1974 and ℗ 1975 Phonogram, Inc.
© 1976 Phonogram, Inc.
Publishing: Ranbach Music (BMI)

Originally released by Mercury May 1973 as SRM-1-673 "Backman-Turner Overdrive," December 1973 as SRM-1-696 "Bachman-Turner Overdrive II," August 1974 as SRM-1-1004 "Not Fragile," May 1975 as SRM-1-1027 "Four Wheel Drive," and December 1975 as SRM-1-1067 "Head On."

Front of cover is embossed / textured with raised printing / design.
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