SCORPIONS - Animal Magnetism = Magnetismo Animal

Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 33.00 - $ 46.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 33.00 - $ 46.00
NM (Near Mint) : $30.00 - $41.00
EX (Excellent) : $23.00 - $31.00
VG (Very Good) : $15.00 - $21.00
Label: Harvest
Cat. Number: 10C 064-045.933
Release Country: Spain
Release Year: N/A
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Item Description

LP Album Reissue

Reissue of [r2037118] (1980) keeping same deposito legal number.
Recorded and mixed at Dierks Studios, Cologne. Strings and Horns on Lady Starlight recorded at Manta Sound Studios, Toronto, Canada.

Editado e impreso por EMi-Odeon, S.A.
Via Augusta, 2 Bis. Barcelona, Made in Spain
Mod. 5190 Depósito Legal: B.21407 - 1980
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