VARIOUS - Bad News. Good News.

Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 26.00 - $ 36.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 26.00 - $ 36.00
NM (Near Mint) : $23.00 - $32.00
EX (Excellent) : $18.00 - $24.00
VG (Very Good) : $12.00 - $17.00
Label: N.E.W.S.
Release Country: Belgium
Release Year: 2021
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Item Description

Vinyl, , Clear vinyl with ashes

This vinyl record made from 2020 newspapers.

This record is made from the ashes of newspapers and magazines containing the bad news that hit the music industry in 2020. The ashes were pressed into the vinyl record, making it a unique collector's item. As a metaphor that great music always survives bad news, no matter how desperate things can get. Bad news ain't got nothing on great music. Sit back, relax and enjoy music.

The compilation contains some exclusives like the Brihang & Compact Disk Dummies 'Steentje / I Remember' mash up, recorded live for 'Week van de Belgische Muziek' and Sam De Nef's cover of the belpop classic 'Satelliet Suzy' recorded for StuBru.

No printed track running times on this release.
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