THE CURE - ...happily Ever After

Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 99.00 - $ 137.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 99.00 - $ 137.00
NM (Near Mint) : $89.00 - $122.00
EX (Excellent) : $68.00 - $93.00
VG (Very Good) : $47.00 - $64.00
G (Good) : $15.00 - $21.00
F (Fair) : $10.00 - $14.00
P (Poor) : $5.00 - $7.00
Label: A&M Records
Cat. Number: SP-6020
Release Country: US
Release Year: 1981
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Item Description

All Media, , Pitman/Terre Haute

Mixed Pitman/Terre Haute stampers.

US only compilation of both albums [m=20278] and [m=21131].

Has custom pencil shaded background A&M labels.

[url=]Reissued [/url]with standard silver/gold A&M labels.
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