LEONARD BERNSTEIN - Bolero / La Valse / Alborada Del Gracioso

Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 8.00 - $ 11.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 8.00 - $ 11.00
NM (Near Mint) : $7.00 - $9.00
EX (Excellent) : $5.00 - $7.00
VG (Very Good) : $3.00 - $5.00
Label: CBS Masterworks
Cat. Number: 76513
Release Country: Europe
Release Year: 1978
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Item Description


Gatefold sleeve.

Cat# 76513 on spine, inside gatefold & back cover.
Cat# 76 513 on labels.
Cat# CBS 76513 on front cover.
Additional cat.# on labels: (M 35103) = US cat# and matrix.
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