Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 24.00 - $ 33.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 24.00 - $ 33.00
NM (Near Mint) : $21.00 - $29.00
EX (Excellent) : $16.00 - $22.00
VG (Very Good) : $11.00 - $15.00
Label: Asylum Records
Cat. Number: W 53007
Release Country: Italy
Release Year: 1977
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Item Description

Vinyl, , Gatefold
LP Album Reissue

Back cover:
Rock'n'Roll Band (Blonde in the bleachers): Stephen Stills (since Stills played ALL the instruments...)
Made and distributed in Italy by Wea Italiana S.p.A.
(P) (C) 1972 Asylum records
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For The Roses

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1972 - US
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Joni Mitchell
For The Roses

Cat. N° : P-10158Y
1976 - Japan
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For The Roses

Cat. N° : SD 5057
1972 - US
$ 131.67

Joni Mitchell
For The Roses

Cat. N° : SD 5057
1972 - US
$ 102.82

Joni Mitchell
For The Roses

Cat. N° : P-10158Y
1976 - Japan
$ 76.50

Joni Mitchell
For The Roses

Cat. N° : SYLA 8753
N/A - UK
$ 56.47

Joni Mitchell
For The Roses

Cat. N° : SD 5057
N/A - US
$ 54.83
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