Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 302.00 - $ 415.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 302.00 - $ 415.00
NM (Near Mint) : $270.00 - $371.00
EX (Excellent) : $206.00 - $284.00
VG (Very Good) : $143.00 - $196.00
G (Good) : $47.00 - $65.00
F (Fair) : $31.00 - $43.00
P (Poor) : $16.00 - $22.00
Label: Def Jam Recordings
Cat. Number: B0025134-01
Release Country: US
Release Year: 2016
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Item Description

2 x Vinyl,
LP Album

Tri-fold cover with embossed braille. Includes five lithographs.
Track order runs in a sequential manner.
Track durations do not appear on release.

Translation of the Braille:

Front Cover:
I sometimes fear that I am misunderstood.
It is simply because what I want to say,
what I need to say, won’t be heard.
Heard in a way I so rightfully deserve.
What I choose to say is of so much substance
That people just won’t understand the depth of my message.
So my voice is not my weakness,
It is the opposite of what others are afraid of…

Back Cover:
My voice is my suit and armor,
My shield, and all that I am.
I will comfortably breath in it, until I find the moment to be silent.
I live loudly in my mind, so many hours of the day.
The world is pin drop sound compared to the boom
That thumps and bumps against the walls of my cranium.
I live it and love it and despise it and I am entrapped in it.
So being misunderstood, I am not offended by the gesture, but honored.
If they let us

Left Frame:
Falling fast backwards into deep water.
As my eyes opened I knew that I was naked.
Floating on the waters surface.
Alone with the reflections of myself.

Middle Frame:
My face in deep shadows.
Dreams and ideas beyond limits.
The future is all I have to look forward to.
I turn myself inside out.
Only then am I whole.

Right Frame:
Clouds replace the sunlight.
Expanding into the darkness.
The shoreline covered with night.
Backward strokes,
Deep breaths, salt air.

Right Flap:
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