Valued price for item in MINT/NEW conditions is between
$ 338.00 - $ 465.00

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Item Details:
Valued Price
$ 338.00 - $ 465.00
NM (Near Mint) : $302.00 - $416.00
EX (Excellent) : $231.00 - $318.00
VG (Very Good) : $160.00 - $220.00
G (Good) : $53.00 - $73.00
F (Fair) : $35.00 - $48.00
P (Poor) : $17.00 - $24.00
Label: Stiff Records
Cat. Number: SEEZ 3
Release Country: UK
Release Year: 1977
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Item Description

LP Album Limited Edition Promo

Stiff promo with handpasted personalised b&w image on front cover.

Additional note:
The first thousand copies of this LP (including those sent out to journalists and DJs) contained a flyer that had demanded that they "Help Us Hype Elvis" and asked buyers to send in the address of a friend so Stiff could send them a free copy ("You pay the postage. We send the album."). As this was 1977 the postage cost was 23p!
Complete tekst of the flyer:
"In these John Denver days, people in Framptonland are loathe to shell out on new artists. As you’ve bought this record we assume that you groove to the Elvis GB sound. As you know there are only two Elvis. One is fat and famous, one is small and languishes in obscurity. Stiff Records, ever keen to meet the record buying public demands, have hatched a plot that allows you to become a potent factor in El’s future. Here’s how are See-Elvis-Go-Gold-Stiff-Go-Broke scheme works. You pay the postage. We send the album. And all you have to do is write no more than 25 words why you like the English Elvis and send this sheet (together with postage stamps to the value of 23p) to: Stiff Records, 32 Alexander Street, London W2. We will then send a free album to the person of your choice who you think can do the most for Elvis. This offer is limited to the UK only. We are only giving away 1000 albums (Jeesus – only 1000!) so write off today and grab a small stake in shaping El’s destiny. His meal ticket, your El Dorado. This offer does not apply to Island Records executives, groupies, liggers, Elvis Costello and employees of Stiff.
Stiff Records 1977"
When the flyer was sent in the named friend received a copy of the LP with this tekst on front:
"Today is your lucky day. In your hands an unashamed promotional scam courtesy of Stiff Records. We are trying to sell records and make Elvis a huge star. He is trying to pay off his mortgage. You have been recommende by [Name] who was courteous enough to pay the postage. We were gracious enough to pay the album costs. El waived his royalties. So now we've done our bit - you do yours. Clamp your ears around this disc. If you like it spread the word. Play it. Pollute the metropolis. If you don't like it, remember that we know who you are and that we have your address. Our address is Stiff Records, 32 Alexander Street, London W2."
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