Vinyl and CD Price Guide for : Richard Strauss

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RICHARD STRAUSS - Der Rosenkavalier
3 x Shellac,
12" 78 RPM Album
RCA Victor Red Seal DM-997
US - 1945
Very Common, Recent release or Reissue
$27.00 - $37.00
RICHARD STRAUSS - Suite From Der Rosenkavalier
3 x Shellac,
12" 78 RPM Album
Columbia Masterworks MM-742
US - 1948
Uncommon disc but not very rare
$62.00 - $85.00
Deutsche Grammophon 136 001 SLPEM
Germany - 1959
Uncommon disc but not very rare
$43.00 - $60.00
Deutsche Grammophon 136 001 SLPEM
Germany - 1958
Medium Rare
$87.00 - $120.00
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